A few days ago, Jason started to complain that he had pains in his stomach. At first, I thought he was just being a typical male blowing physical ailments out of proportion. I figured he'd just had to much of the good Christmas food. However, yesterday morning he could barely walk when we took the dog out. At that point, we figured that he better go see a doctor. Said and done, the doctor suspected appendicitis but still sent him home saying that there was a 50/50 chance Jason would have to go to the emergency room within 48 hours. Unfortunately, that's exactly what he had to do last night when the pains got worse and he also developed fever and chills.
Jason went alone to the emergency room as he didn't want Liam to get scared in the event that he would wake up during the night without me being there . To me, that's Jason in a nutshell, thinking about others before himself.
Anyway, as he got to the emergency room, he had to wait for 12 hours to before he was examined by a doctor. Finally, this morning his appendix was removed by laproscopic surgery. The surgery went really well and he is now recovering at the hospital.
Thanks god everything went well! Still, there are some things that bother me about this story. The first thing is that the doctor sent him home without properly examining him, risking a rupture of the appendix. The second thing is that Jason had to sit at the emergency room for 12 hours in pain without being examined. To me, that's ridiculous. After the surgery, I talked to Jason's surgeon whom informed me that the appendix hadn't ruptured but looked very bad and was on the verge of rupturing.
Hopefully, Jason gets to come home tomorrow. Both Liam and I miss him lots!