
Monday, November 29, 2010

Sometimes I forget that Erik is not a tiny baby anymore. He surprised me by building this tower the other night
Liam built a flying rug

Hugging the "julbock" He's watching the garbage truck in case you notice he's staring at something.

Liam loves to take his sweet time when we're out walking. He's looking at stuff, notices everything and picks up things of interest. Today he picked up two leaves and starting playing that they were having a conversation. I really try to be patient, and to let him have his experience (despite having Erik in the back-carrier and Harry pulling the leash). It's a lesson for me to slow down, and to experience things too. It's funny what kids will teach us if we let them.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and new bike

Liam and Jason next to the star of the evening
we kept the side-dishes to a minimum (and we still have plenty of left overs). From left mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole (my personal favorite), gravy and stuffing
boys rough-and-tumbling in the backyard as usual
Erik examining the plants
Liam found the bike he was getting for Christmas so now he's practicing it
My little boy isn't so little anymore

Monday, November 22, 2010

play-dough with daddy

The boys were making stuff with play-dough
Hmmm... wonder what the spider tastes like?
...not very good
deep in concentration
Reading before bed in their armchairs

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome to the world Filip and Maya!

We're so excited that Viveka and Marcel had their little Filip last Wednesday! He came a bit early so he's needed a some extra attention at the hospital, but luckily he's feeling better and will join his parents at their house before we know it! They started a blog and I've added a link under "our friends"

A day later another precious baby was born, Maya. She's Anna's daughter and Philip's little sister! Welcome to the world to both of you!

Monday, November 8, 2010

creativity out of boredom

they decided to reorganize the art box
it was very interesting
beautiful birdmore birds
For one reason or another, this weekend hasn't been very cheery, so I haven't really had the energy to get out and about with the boys. So when they ran out of stuff to do, they decided to reorganize our arts and crafts box. They dragged everything out, and after a while Liam said he wanted to paint. I went to put Erik down for a nap, and when I got back Liam had made this beautiful bird painting

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

there's nothing wrong with fisher price though... :)

Erik got this great chair from Aunty Tracy with family
Liam got a matching chair as a baby
Erik got this toy from Auntie Pam and his Maine cousins
winnie pooh train from us. They ride around the house again and again


When I was a little girl, I went to a daycare close to my house. The daycare was adjacent to the woods, and everyday my friends and I would play among the trees and the rocks. A few hundred yards in, there was a big rock which we called "storsten" or "big-rock." It took a little bit of mastery to climb up on the rock, and you could definitely get hurt if you'd fall down. One day the rock would be a rocket-ship, another day a big boat or a house. The teachers would come over once in a while, but they generally didn't stay and monitor us. We would be outside for hours every day regardless of the weather, free to play and roam about. I made friends in daycare that I'm close with until this day .

I wonder about today's preschools in the U.S. Generally, I think they are way too structured. I don't think the reason the U.S is so far behind most industrialized nations when it comes to school achievement has much to do with the way the subjects are instructed. I think one of the major factors is that most kids don't get to play and move about freely in the outdoors. The basis of abstract thinking is built during play, and free play is a necessity for proper neurological development (particularly in boys who are pre-wired for rough-and-tumble). Not a single toy made by fisher price is superior to a stick and some mud.

So what am I trying to achieve by writing this, and who cares? I don't know. I don't necessarily think that my own boys suffer from living in a city. However, I think they are missing out, even though Liam goes to a great school and he gets some of that nature-exposure there. Yesterday, he and another boy had dug up a bunch of worms which they were playing with. Also, we often visit great natural parks around here.
I miss the woods, and our next house has to be close to nature.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy halloween!

Buzz Lightyear. Liam had planned that Erik would be the alien, Jason would be woody and I be the princess. He nagged and nagged jason to get the costume. Unfortunately, it cost 90 bucks so he didn't get it. Liam reminds me so much of Jason when he starts planning and organizing us.
Erik liked my witch-hat but not his alien head
out trick-or-treating
We met woody!
Erik was supposed to be an alien but refused to wear the head so he got to be a doctor instead. He kept stealing the candy and eating it through the wrappers
Liam greeted the trick-or-treaters by the door, said "happy halloween" and gave out candy. Erik helped