
Monday, March 28, 2011


Liam jumping

A lot of climbing going on these days

In the walnut tree

Helping daddy cook

Erik blowing bubbles

Blurry family

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Last couple of days


Erik napping with Emil

Before bed mischief

Liam took this

self portrait

Harry in profile

Saturday, March 19, 2011

parrots in the backyard

in the playhouse at Swedish church


Liam with his friend from school

Chatting at the Swedish church



Erik with his friend Oliver


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Today we went to the Rose bowl flea market in Pasadena. It was huge. Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures there but afterwards we went to Robbie Hart's house from "The Wedding Singer" and the playground.

Robbie Hart's house from "The Wedding Singer."


high up



sliding around

chasing Erik around

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Swedish church friday mix

Every Friday the Swedish church has a family get-together. We met up with Åse, her kids and her parents. We had a good time and had dinner there as well.

The boys riding the dala-horse outside the church

Annika, Åse and Irene

bus pojkarna

somehow Åse always end up reading to all the kids

Liam came home with "Holy" the bird yesterday so now Butthead has company on the shelf

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

coco-lavender peel

This worked like a spring cleaning for my gloomy winter skin so I thought I'd share it with my fellow sisters. The measurements aren't exact so mix it until you get desired consistency.

1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon honey
2 drops essential lavender oil
+ sugar to desired roughness

mix everything together, rub gently against skin and rinse with water. The lavender oil is the luxury factor (but it's also good against breakouts and calming).

I've also been experimenting with apple cider vinegar. It works as a toner, good for acne and for the skin in general.

2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
4 teaspoons water

Monday, March 7, 2011

wilderness park in Torrance

The boys

Liam flying a kite

Erik running downhill


feeding the ducks and coy fish

Superman and the green goblin

a family portrait. I especially like Harry in this pic. Liam said that we have "bus-munnar" (mischievous mouths)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

childrens' circle at the Norwegian Seaman's church

We've had great experiences with the Scandinavian Churches kids' groups in Florida, so we've decided to try the Norwegian equivalent here in San Pedro. The kids play outside and we eat home-made bread and cheese, waffles, and coffee. After a while the nice "husmor" (house mother - don't know what it's called in English) Bodil has circle time inside the church. Today was rainy so we had to be inside. There weren't that many who attended, perhaps due to weather. Liam and Erik had a ton of waffles and we had a great time until Liam suddenly threw up all over the church floor (probably too much waffles for his post-stomach flu sensitive stomach). That's when we decided it was time to go home.

Erik made friends

Playing by the altar

playing the piano

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A day around the house

This is how I found Harry today when Erik was napping and Liam in school. I think it's a sign that Harry's getting old. He blatantly ignores the rules around here. I remember our dog Laika started to do the same thing as she got older. Harry never used to lay on the couch while we were home (when we were out is a different story)

These days they start text messaging really early

This is exactly why I try to do arts and crafts with Liam while Erik is napping

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Afternoon at the Long Beach Aquarium

We've spent the last day or so being sick with a stomach bug, so today we felt like we needed to get out of the house. We opted for the Long Beach aquarium which is about a half-hour drive from our house. It turned out to be a nice place and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Little Erik

playing in the water

admiring the sea creatures

If Jason wasn't there Erik would be swimming with the fishies. He can get a bit should I put this... "rowdy" sometimes

don't even think about it sharks. You have no idea who you're messing with

This shark had a tendency to give evil glares at the people watching it

playing around

Nemo and his daddy

Petting the sea creatures

Erik looking at the nice fishies

Erik getting his Lady Gaga on in the tub