
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Liam is not the only one in the family who likes to dress up

When he wanted the wig off he spoke his longest sentence so far "hej då pippis håj" (bye bye pippi's hair)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We now back from Sweden. We had such a great time with everyone and took so many pics I don't even  know where to start. Here's a bunch of pics all mixed.
outside teknikens hus Luleå

Nisse at Gammelstad



by Nisses hunting cottage

morfar and Erik

In the troll caves

what to choose?

vacation can be tiring

On our way out to an island pub

playing a drinking game which involved killing mosquitoes. Jason practicing the "miagy pinch" which gave high scores.
sisters in law

Nisse and Ida on the ferry

we ran into on of  the locals on our way to the beach

cutest kid ever


the whole family on a rock

Liam and Elina hit the swings

Erik munching on one of Ida's chocolate balls

there was a lot of swimming this summer!

Nils cooking at the moorika

their cottage in the archipelago

morfar and Erik looking at the dinner

I worked it too

Liam and the neighbor Sebastian had a lot of fun this summer
post-swimming nap at Pite havsbad

ladies night

more ladies joined

Liam was proud of the fishes he caught (he caught 2 of them)

bike ride
Hanna having mixed feelings about her birthday cake

long time friends

a fox

fun at Överkalix fair

mormor and Erik

a dip in the river

my brother couldn't resist either

Melker and cousin Christina
still mixed feelings

the lovely Ida

posing by the river in okx

Monday, July 4, 2011

On our way out to Uncle Nils and Aunty Ida's cottage in the archipelago.
 Liam told everyone proudly that he's great at driving boats. 

if you're wondering why there are so few pictures on the blog, it's because my dad is busy babysitting rather than taking pictures. I have quite a few on my camera that I'll share when we get back to the states.