At the end of every yoga session the teacher says "let's thank the divine spirit for all the blessings in our lives." I like that because it reminds me to appreciate the small things (which are really the big things) and live in the present. At night, as I lay on the bed with baby feet tucked into the soft parts of my belly, my husband a few feet away and the dog jammed in somewhere in the mix, I sometimes get overwhelmed with gratitude to the "divine sprit."
On a less "new-agey" note, today Liam got the courage to let go of the table he was holding on to and walk a few steps towards a toy on the floor. I knew that he could do it because I had let go of his hand as he was walking, but this time it was all him. My baby's getting big. He also learned to crawl on his hands and knees last week.
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