We've already gotten a taste of summer since we've been in the 90sF (30sC) the last few weeks. However, yesterday a cold front sweeped in and surprised us with some comfortable temperatures. The weather is now gorgeous. Aside from that, we've had a rough few weeks with Liam being sick. It started with a low grade fever which eventually turned into double-sided ear infection and throat infection. Luckily, he's now better albeit more tired than usual. The weeks before he got sick, he was in a phase where he required minimal sleep. It was pretty rough for Jason and me as he fell asleep by 9.30 pm and was ready to play again at 5am. Since the antibiotics kicked in he's gotten back to his usual schedule and wakes up by 7am. In addition, he takes a long afternoon-nap. I pray that it will last - I think it will. This morning he actually slept until 8.15am! Perhaps it had something to do with the fresh air coming in from the open window.
3 years ago
seLam bebeginiz tatLıymıs .)