But unfortunately you have to get up at some point
It's started to heat up during the last few days, so every day Liam's had the mandatory swim in the jacuzzi.
An update to my condition: We went for a scan on Thursday and everything seems fine. I do have a bleed 7cm by 1,5cm but they are not concerned about it due to its location and the rest of the placenta is well attached. The reason I have to be on bed rest is 1) I'm still bleeding old blood and it gets heavier as I'm up and moving and 2) they want to avoid more bleeds. I can't wait to get the all clear to go on with my normal life. However, the baby inside is the most important and I'll do whatever it takes to keep it safe. I understand how precious life is and I'm really grateful that we didn't lose this baby.
The baby itself is growing great and looks healthy. However, the ultrasound technician described it as a "maniac" as it was jumping around as she was trying to get its measurements.
In retrospect, I'm very happy that I stopped working after the first trimester in my last pregnancy, as the placenta was even further down and I was in the business of lifting 40 pounders every day. The same thing could have happened then, but with a much worse outcome. During these last few years, I've learned to trust my instincts.
vad skont att lilla bebisen verkar ma bra, hoppas du slipper bed rest snart. Men som du sa, sjalvklart att man gor det man maste. Fina bilder din pappa tog! Harligt med jacuzzi ocksa!