on the trampoline
Erik can play drums too!
They made necklaces out of cereal
The teacher climbed up to get Liam an apple. They have all kinds of fruit trees and the kids get to help out with the garden.
Liam made new friends
they we're discussing how to scare the birds the best way
hitting the sand box
the little girl had a pet snail
I really like Liam's new school, and so does he. It's similar to Swedish "dagis" in that they are outside the whole time (although they have a studio with bathroom, toys, instruments etc). They do things such as read books, art projects, letters, numbers, music etc, but it's volontary and the kids always have the option to play instead if they prefer. There's a trail in the back where they go for nature walks. They also use non-violent communication and help the kids solve their conflicts instead of just stopping them. I've been there with him three times now, and I'll gradually start leaving him there when I know he's comfortable.
Just during these last couple of weeks, Liam is much more interested in making friends. He goes up to play with other kids and has so much fun at the playground and at school.
Jag antar att vädret är lite "säkrare" för utomhus-aktiviteter där än vad det är här i (norra) Sverige ;-)