
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome to the world Erik!

First encounter went very well. Liam has been been incredibly good to his little brother Suddenly we had two little babies

Erik Harold was born October 29, 2009 at 12.41pm. The birth went really well, and we are so lucky to have a healthy son! He weighed 3750 grams, or 8 lbs 4oz and 52cm, 21 inches, tall. I'd like to thank my doula Petra who supported us tremendously and gave me the courage to go for the kind of birth that I had wished for! Thanks also to Jason parents and Viveka and Johanna who took care of Liam while we were in the hospital. Last but not least, I'd like to thank my parents. Without their support while I was on bedrest, there might not have been an Erik at all.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our own pumpkin

Jason carved the pumpkin we had picked up at the patch. Liam told him repeatedly he did a good job.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

pumpkin palooza

Viveka, Liam and I headed over to a local pumpkin patch where they had all kinds of fun things going on. Tindra and her parents met up with us.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

playing baseball and Swedish school

Today has been an absolutely gorgeous day with cool temperatures. This morning we strolled over to the baseball field and played ball. After that, Liam and I headed over to Swedish school. This year, we're borrowing a church that has a few classrooms. There are about 55 Swedish kids enrolled and they're divided into different age groups. Both Liam and I enjoy it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Feeling better

We had a pretty rough day yesterday with Liam being sick. He is now feeling better and no longer has a fever. He is quite the funny guy though. He woke up from his nap in a horrible mood, probably feeling lousy. Suddenly, he went and got his shoes and said "åka IKEA, äta köttbulle" (go IKEA, eat meatball). Not surprisingly, I thought it was an excellent idea so off we went.

Other funny things that he's doing is holding Harry while we're out walking, and while he's in charge he's being very bossy. "Wait Harry, kommer bilar!" he commands (wait Harry, there are cars coming!) He also yells "come on Harry" or just "wait!" I wonder where he gets it from... hmm

Liam is also joking a lot. The other night we were looking at pictures of my family members in Sweden, and I was asking Liam if he knew who was who. He was doing very well, but I guess he got tired of my asking because he kept pointing at a picture of me and said "morfar" (grandpa). He got a good laugh out of it.

This week, he also learnt almost all of the colors. Last week, he only knew yellow and purple, but all of a sudden he knows most of them, even pink.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Philip's birthday party

Yesterday, Philip had his birthday party. We all had a great time and we were served excellent pizza and cake! Unfortunately, Liam had a high fever by the time we got home and he's been out sick all day today.

Earlier this week, we decided to keep Liam home with us for now, instead of him going to daycare. After four days of crying through the day (he had one good day), we'd all had enough. At the moment, it's too stressful for all of us. In a few months or so, we'll try again with a smaller group. It feel like the right decision and we can now focus on the impending arrival of little brother instead.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Liam starting daycare

Liam loves his halloween outfit and wants to wear it whenever he gets a chance

Our own little sheik amused himself with his father's clothes as I was trying to fold laundry
Driving pappa's car is so much fun

We've had an interesting week with Liam starting daycare. He's supposed to go three mornings a week so that he gets some social interaction even with a new baby in the house. The first two days were pretty rough with him crying the whole time he was there, but today went well despite a heartbreaking drop off.

In other news, my dear friends surprised me with a baby shower at Claire's house this past Sunday. It was a very nice occasion with excellent food and gifts for the baby. I think everyone had a great time. For pictures, take a look at Anna's blog "livet i boca" (there's a link on the right hand side).